Monday, June 13, 2011

Lil Rider Toys Over 50% Off

Check out this deal on HomSav Lil Riders Wiggle Ride on Car retail $49 grab it now for $19 !!!  I was going to pay $45 at the local store because I think these are great for the kids. If you are new to HomSave it's a great daily deal sight. They also have some fantastic deals on other ride ons this is just the one that interests me the most as I was planning on buying it anyways for a lot more.  I guess it just goes to show that shopping around does save money.  
Click here to see how HomeSav works. Sign up for HomeSave here to start getting in on the deals.

Product Description:

Looking for a children's toy that will delight, fascinate, and invigorate for years to come? Come to the rescue with the perfect toy: The revolutionary new Lil' Rider™ Wiggle car. It's like magic, but you don't need to be a magician to get it to work. The Lil' Rider™ Wiggle car is a mechanical marvel that makes use of the most inexhaustible of energy sources, kid-power, by harnessing the natural forces of inertia, centrifugal force, gravity, and friction. It's so easy to operate; all it needs is a driver and a smooth, flat surface. No batteries needed. It's quiet too-the only sound you'll hear is the sound of its wheels. It provides kids with plenty of exercise, more so than most toys. And the Lil' Rider™ Wiggle car is engineered to be absolutely safe when used appropriately.

Features include:

 - High-quality plastics

 - Rugged and durable

 - Extra decals

 - Deceptively simple to operate

 - Generally safe for children in between 30 to 50 pounds. Use your discretion.

Colors: Blue

Materials: Plastic

Dimensions: 16"H x 13.5"W x 30"L

Delivery date:
July 11-20, 2011
Some Assembly Required Thank You SheSaved 
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