Pfaltzgraff is one if those things that if you are not afraid to ship it will become a bread and butter item for you as a reseller.
Here is why: They are super popular patterns but they become discontinued like anything else. I like to sell the more popular patterns and sell it one to two piece per listing. Chances are if you are looking at discontinued patterns you already have some of it and do not want the whole set. VPlus shipping would be a ton.
You want to sell items that would either be add one to the original set or would be items that might easily be broken but essential. Dinner plates and cereal bowls are essential parts of a set but easily get broken. They ate great pick ups. Plus you can usually get multiples at once thus getting you multiple sales from one lusting and purchase.
Stay away from salad plates and coffee mugs. When people break or loose those they generally don't replace them.
Add ons like the big pitcher I have here in the Tea Rose pattern do well but need a bit more research. Thus big one should sell for $50 and I picked it up for $7. You want to be careful though because the little creamer pitcher for this set is only going for about $10. Still a profit when you buy it low enough but not nearly what the big pitcher will get you.
Keep your eyes peeled for the snow man and woman salt and pepper shakers that are part if the Tea Rose line. Those go for a small fortune but I have yet to find a set.
Off I go to list the pitcher once the baby goes down for a nap.
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