I was able to be a much more present mommy and enjoy life. I work to live not live to work and sometimes I need to remember that.
Being able to take weekends off is a huge perk of owning my own business and selling on Amazon via their FBA program. I shop, prep and ship the items to Amazon and they take it from there.
I am thinking about hiring a virtual assistant to oversee my account on weekends just to look for customer questions or feedback issues that need to be addressed. Amazon takes care of most of that but on occasion a buyer contacts me directly or has an issue that they leave feedback about but never contacted myself or service. I like to get that stuff taken care of quickly so that's why I'm thinking a weekend va might be a good idea.
If you have any experience hiring a virtual assistant for something like that please, please let me know.
As for my goal of getting to a $1500 monthly sustainable profit I'm pretty much on track for this month. The key will be to keep up the momentum once the kiddos are home in two weeks.
Remember if you want to see my sweet savings deals, recipes and other bargain momma ideas check me out on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Thrifty-Momma-Saysblogspotcom/152303624440?ref=ts&fref=ts.
(Mobile blogging so the link is not so pretty sorry )
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