Thursday, January 28, 2010

Are Your Home Energy Bills As Low As They Should Be?

   I'm about to find out the answer to that question myself.  This is a good example of why it is a good idea to at least skim read your junk mail.  What appeared to be junk in my mail today was actually an invitation from my gas company to do a free home energy audit.
  I'm excited I have been wanting to do this but I thought I would have to pay for it and had not researched who to call.  As it turns out my gas company is contracting with some environmental companies to provide this service free of cost. It seems fairly intensive and is supposed to last 2 hours.  I'm pretty sure I know where my energy hogs are but I'm certain the auditor will find some I had not thought of.

  There are a few other free perks that go along with it as well such as free air sealing.  They will seal any of the leaks in the frame work of the home at no cost to the home owner.  We have replaced most of the windows in our home but still have three drafty rooms to go.  Apparently they will also seal up around where any pipes or wires enter the house as well.  Sounds like savings to me.

  The best part to me the creme de la creme you might say is that they are offering a huge rebate on the cost of installed insulation if the insulation is deemed necessary.  When we moved into our house nearly five years ago the home inspector said our attic insulation was far below grade and should be redone.  It's been on the to do list for a while but keeps getting pushed aside.  Not any more the rebate you get is 75% of the installed price and you will qualify for up to 30% of the cost becoming a tax credit.

  Any way we will see what the auditor has to say about my house come the end of Feb.  If you would like to see if you can take advantage of this program visit here.

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