So this may come as a surprise to some die hard couponers and deal divas but I do not hit every store every week. In fact it is very rare that you would find me in a Walgreens, Rite Aid or Walmart. Nothing against the first two it's more of a matter of budgeting my time and prioritizing. Walmart, well that's another story but never say never especially when a great deal is involved. Anyway I do love Target and find myself there at least every other week.
I do print out a list for myself of specific deals I want to take advantage of and anything else that I need (usually not much since I stock up on sales). This week the main reason the tykes and I are bulls eye bound is because my six year old saw the BOGO 50% Lego deal in the circular and he is a Lego man. I figure it's good to teach them young about stretching a buck.
Anyhow this is my Target shopping list for this week. Keep in mind that some prices vary by region. This is by no means a coupon match up list. There are some wonderful coupon match up blogs, mine just is not one of them. I do tip my hat to the authors of those blogs though because it must take forever to come up with all the match ups. I will try to post this every time I head out on a sched Target trip because I think it gives people a chance to see real world non hoarder style deal shopping and how much you can save. FYI: I don't normally go shopping with the kids. I in fact avoid it like the plague but this time the Lego's are calling them and who am I to stand in the way of the next great Lego creators.
Method Multipurpose Spray Cleaner $2.49 +Target printable for .50 =$.99
Green Works Dish Liquid $2.49 + $1.00 Green Works Dish Coupon + $1.00 Target Mobile Coupon = .49
Dasani 24 pk $3.99
MY SON'S BOGO 50% LEGO"S ( He is using his own money:))
We will also be checking the clearance end caps. I often find great deals there. That's why I always bring all my coupons not just the ones that go with my list.
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