Tuesday, May 20, 2014

One Woman On A Mission to Make Money Fast! Finding Your Why.

  I know most of you follow my Facebook page so you are seeing all the fabulous deals I have been posting and finding but it's been a while since I have shared anything about my adventures in making money. 

  I have found that I am most focused and productive work wise when I have a clear why, goal or reason I need to focus on generating income.  Do you find the same thing?

   Well let me start by saying I have not been sharing my selling because until this week its been pretty well....BORING.  Profitable but boring.  I have been selling on Amazon through their FBA program and its basically buy, ship get paid repeat.  Sounds good right??? 

  It usually is but well I have to admit I was slacking.  Not focusing enough on getting the right return on my investment ( I look for 100% returns even after fees unless I am certain something is going to sell as soon as Amazon checks it in).  The other issue was frankly I was not putting the time into my business in the last month that I had been doing for he first three months of the year.  Reselling like most businesses you gout of it what you put into it and I was not putting much into it.  I typically was working a 10-12 hour work week in the first quarter and slacked off to 7 hrs a week.  Don't get me wrong I was still making a nice hourly wage but I need to bump it up now.  Here is why....

  Last Friday my nine year old was in a quick pick up game of street hockey and got his front tooth knocked out by a hockey stick.  One tooth is basically gone but the nerves on both front teeth ( his permanent teeth) are in danger of dying.  Right now the are hoping to just be able to crown his tooth but the dentist says it is looking bad and that I should brace my son and myself for having to remove both his front teeth and having temporary removable teeth made for him until he is 21! 

  Not only am I upset about him possibly loosing his teeth but it's big, big bucks  that insurance does not cover.  It makes me furious that health insurance does not cover your teeth!  Oh and I should add that yes we have consulted more than one doctor and are proceeding with caution.  We will know more in a week or two after more x rays what the likely prognosis will be.

  In the meantime I had a dentist appointment for myself.  No biggie I have never had work needed before.  Simple x ray and cleaning.....um not!  Momma needs a root canal next week and a filling today.  ChaChing!!!!

  So I have now found my why again.  This momma is on a mission because debt is not an option.  In the next month I need to come up with an extra $2200 for my teeth! 

  I have not listed on Ebay in months. I hate the individual shipping and having to ship daily.  I ship to Amazon in big batches twice per week.  Tonight I wrote 11 new Ebay listings and will photograph and post them tomorrow.  I also scoured my house for any and all new in box items that I could put on Amazon.  They are now listed and ready to go.  Over the next few days I'm going to sell my wall mounted wooden baby gates and my Bob Stroller on my local Facebook garage sale page.  I've got to check the brake on the stroller.  It does not stay engaged and never has.  I'm sure I'm doing something wrong.  I got it from a family member preowned so I was not going to complain.  I'm sure Google and YouTube will have some advice.

  The next stop is a local " we buy gold" place.  I've only sold gold once for scrap.  This time its 5 sterling silver tea spoons I found at Savers last year that I listed and never sold.  I'm not entirely sure what these are worth but they are monogramed and never sold so off to scrap they go.

  So what is your why and how are you going to make it happen?


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